Post 98 MTB Treasure Trove - Edinburgh Bike Station


MacRetro Rider
Hello Retrobikers

I volunteer at The Edinburgh Bike Station a charity that does up and sells donated bikes to raise funds for various community initiatives.

Understandably a lot of what is donated by the public is old, retro even. Much of course is BSO junk and gas pipe specials but a surprising amount of quality ends up in the building too.

Consequently I have been tasked because of my super nerd knowledge of bike stuff and my known association with Retrobike to try and sell bike stuff to you guys and gals.

The thing we need to shift most is Bike Frames. The typical customer we have wants a complete bike fully built up but most of our donated bikes wheels and drivetrains etc are kaput or very tired leaving us with more frames than components to build them up with.

Basically lots of retro frames and there are some nice or at least serviceable examples of quality componentry.

So if you are looking for something and not found it elsewhere then give me a shout. I can have a look, no promises mind but its not a seriously tapped resource at the moment.

Prices are set by someone else and will be fixed so negotiation I am afraid is not possible.

I will act as middle man but I get no commission so service might be slow. :xmas-wink:
Why don't you put an event on, retro frame clearout kinda thing? Maybe a jumble like the Glasgow one has done in the past but reserve a few stalls for yourselves to fill with a selection of frames and parts? I'd certainly travel through from Glasgow to have a look.
Time and resources are the issue. Nobodies got the time, too much else to do. I am a volunteer and I have ended up as internet sales because I opened my big mouth :LOL:

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