** Pipedream Moxie Longer **

I don’t even know what that means?! 😂

You don’t like the colour or just brakes in general?!🤔
I don’t even know what that means?! 😂

You don’t like the colour or just brakes in general?!🤔
Thought your little comment about it being faster than you want it to be until brakes are working was funny, and figured you needed encouragement to just ditch them all together. ;)

On a serious note I do like brakes, as one time I went for a ride on one of my bikes and I had forgotten to set up the brakes, but figured they'd be alright, sadly there was absolutely no grip when under load and I have never been so scared going downhill. Pre ride I thought like, oh it sort of stops the wheel, be fine for a little test ride, turns out that it sort of stopped the wheel as long as there were no weight on the bike at all.
Lol, fair enough! 😂

I think we’ve probably all had similar experiences over the years!

Back in the mists of time when I were a lad, I was out on my Raleigh Quadra. I was heading downhill, it was belting down rain, and I was going much faster than the left hand corner approaching would allow…. I pulled the brakes…. and nothing!!

Barely scrubbing any speed and in full panic mode I crossed over to the wrong side of the road and the grassy verge lined with gorse and brambles…. I thought I was going to make it, when suddenly the front wheel disappeared in a hole that couldn’t be seen…. I went skyrocketing otb at high speed and landed in the aforementioned spiky undergrowth, but miraculously intact!

Clambering to my feet but covered in jags, I couldn’t believe I’d got away with it! Walked back to get my bike and picked it up, only to discover the forks had snapped clean off at the crown race, left dangling forlornly only by the front brake cable!

Edit: this is the offending corner!

I’d climbed up Califer Hill from Forres heading to Pluscarden and back to Elgin.

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Edit: this is the offending corner!

I’d climbed up Califer Hill from Forres heading to Pluscarden and back to Elgin.

View attachment 701015

I know that road, used to do a bit of riding around there, steeper than it looks in the pic. Was a guy in Rafford who did bike repairs (had to buy an inner tube from him in an emergency). Interesting fact, Califer viewpoint carpark is a "dogging hotspot", as I found out on one night ride.... that's my story, and I'm sticking to it! 😅
So, that’s it christened, a shakedown run round the golf course and back with the Mrs walking along with. 😊

Her first comment… “that looks too small for you”, and you know what, it felt it! 😖


Saddle was too low and not far enough back for a start. So slid back as far as it goes, raised 25mm and tilted back a notch on the post… felt a bit better.

Fortunately I did take a note of the saddle height before it started slipping again, I’ll get some carbon paste in the seat tube and on the post and hopefully that’ll fix that. 👍🏻

My wingspan is wider than my height which is why I always feel like I want a longer top tube, but the Brooks doesn’t go very far back because of the rail design, and the stem is only 40mm.

I feel like I want another 10-20mm to get comfy. 😕

Oh, and I don’t like the grips, they’re too thin and hard!

The forks feel good, very plush, not that I really have much experience with suspension forks!

@clubby will be pleased to know the AXS shifting is superb, just a tiny bit of adjustment required on one gear which I’ll try and figure out how to do! Shifting is rapid and exact, although not as smooth as the XTR was when going for lower gears under load.

So, some work to do and adjustments to make before it’s how I would like and I can try it out on a proper run somewhere. 😎
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