Pic Request: Extended Ritchey

Spooky Chipps, is this like the 'On-one-ometer' that Brant uses on STW, mention his name or his bikes and he's there seconds later?

Let's test this thing out...Jonny Tomac, Ned Overend....no....nothing yet....obviously a Yorkshire thing.....

(Oh, Mike you forgot a big name off your list, a certain Mr Kelly who invented the whole schbang!)
You're kind of right that I was stalking. I only just got round to joining the forum and did a search on my name to see if there was anything I'd missed (or any name-calling) :)

That P20 in the pics looks like Tom's bike. AFAIK Djernis' bike was broken or stolen or just disappeared from Ritchey's Euro office...

I may still have Henrik's winning Vail race number from that bike though.

And Hi all... It's nice to be here.
hi Chipps, welcome and all that - I like your wikipedia entry...

"Chippendale enjoys being fawned over by members of his Singletrack online forum, with many of the middle-aged men using the forum offering to become his love slave, or provide him with an entry on Wikipedia."

I think i'm sticking to this site :LOL: :LOL:
Blatant Plug

So Chipps,

Are our two Retrobike teams of old bikes and older riders entered into this year's SSMM going to get some deserved coverage in STW???!!!

I'm sure we could fashion a metal fatigue vs. human fatigue theme - maybe with a which breaks first sweepstake....


For me the most interesting part of that article was the American rider vs European rider comments. Seems that back then a split in the sport was envisaged not because of the growth of biking, but because it was too hard for 'most' people to get into. Downhilling evolved because it was easier than XC and 'most' people couldn't be bothered to put the time into getting fit enough to really enjoy XC riding!
We'll be doing a feature on Mayhem seeing as it's the (and my) tenth one... Just make sure you get photographed. :)

I'd like to think that I'd get my 1991 Salsa out of retirement for it, but I doubt I'll get time to put it together...

I'd not seen that latest Wikipedia thing, I'm sure it's all true - it's on the internet.
I've got another article about that Ritchey with the extended seat tube - might be Dirtrag - I'll rummage tonight and scan tomorrow if my memory's not playing tricks.

In went to see a band called Hyperhead in 1992. The lead singer was MaryMary of Gaye Bykers On Acid (G.B.O.A.)...bear with me...


On stage he had a Ritchey P20 (or P21) which he stradled and moved about while singing (shouting).

I spoke to him at the bar after the concert and he told me that this bike was ex Henrik Djernis and he had bought it while touring in europe.

I wonder if he still has it?

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