Pace RC36 Steerer removal help


I've undone the two small screws but it just opens the small gap in the head. The steerer just turns. Does the rc36 definitely have a changeable steerer?
If the crown has Allen head bolts on the rear then it should indicate the steerer can be removed.

There should be a Circlip at the bottom of the steerer to stop it beings pulled up through the crown so you need to push it down to get it out.

The crown may have a shim to allow the use of other steerer diameters but that shouldn't really impact the removal. You should also have a crown race shim on the top of the crown that slips over the steerer thats to hold the headset race in place. If the headset race is still on (and sometimes when it isnt), these often adhere to the steerer which might explain why the steerer turns but doesn't come out (with the Circlip at the bottom and the crown race shim on top, it's all holding the steerer in place).

Solution: bit of force, tapping the steerer from the top should do it. Don't use a metal hammer as you could damage the steerer making it hard to refit/get through the crown. Block of wood first or a rubber mallet and you should be OK.
Just hit it from the top. Headset race and crown race shim are still attached. Will come off when you tap the steerer out through the crown.
Thanks I'll give it ago.
I lost a bloody ballbearing washer that was inside the Marin frame steerer hole.
There's was one above and below the join. Have no idea which way round the washers and stuff go? There's lots with the Marin frame that connected the old fork.
You mean the headset cup? that fits in the frame and houses the bearings?

On your photo of your forks, at the bottom of the steerer tube you've got the crown race (black) and under that is a special Pace crown race shim (silver), because pace steerer tubes are just plain tubes and need that shim to allow the crown race to fit correctly. Most other forks have a steerer that is a bit wider at the bottom so the crown race simply fits straight on.

Did the old forks have a threaded section at the top of the steerer?


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Thanks for your help. Yep it has loads.
I lost one of the ball bearing collars.
It had a large number of washers and riser sections.

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