One Week Of Bike Hire?


Old School Grand Master
In July my neighbours are cycling around France for a week.. they both ride road bikes (nothing super-high end) and their 16yr old son rides MTB.
Last year, they hired him a gravel bike from Alpkit (so he could keep up) but i don't think they have one available this year for their dates.. cost of weekly hire is such that he's considering driving to Stockport and buying him a £450 road bike from eBay just for the week.. i've suggested they look on Fat Llama.

Is there anyone here within a 1hr drive of Sheffield S11 who would be willing to rent one of their road bikes for the week? nothing vintage or special.. he could use mine, free of charge but he's 6' 2" so needs something on the larger side.

He's looking for something reasonably modern/reliable, which isn't going to break down in the middle of rural France.

Payment/deposit can be sorted out with the neighbour.. he's a trustworthy guy, i can vouch for all three of them.

Whereabouts in France are they going? My brother in law has a place near Carcassonne and rents out road and mountain bikes to his visitors. Pretty reasonable rates.
Thanks @Canuk .. they ended up buying one from Gumtree, it's a Giant, i know next to nothing re- modern road bikes but it looks like one helluva bike for the £450 they've spent! it looks almost brand new.. I'll take a photo of it when it's next out of their bike shed.