On balance, I still am not a fan of e-bikes (previously known as ‘I just don’t get E bikes’)

...and today I had a nice day going nowhere, reading, listening to the radio and fettling in the workshop. To meet the carbon reduction targets we need to meet: going nowhere or going locally (preferably on a non e-bike) is going to have to be far more common...
And yet, even as wildfires rage across Greece, heatwaves batter Europe and the USA, and the 1.5C global warming target looks certain to be missed, top Tories are arguing for a relaxation of net zero targets and Labour's top brass look to be retreating on the London ULEZ. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-66281034 🤦‍♂️
Ah … innovation - we do such a good job of using the world’s finite resources …

" lobbied for by bicycle-maker Raleigh, that allowed electrically-assisted two- and three-wheelers onto UK roads. However, they were only permitted at speeds up to 15mph."

There you have it. Rah Rah Raleigh! RALEIGH, ALLOWED, 15MPH.
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Anyway lads I'm off to the shops on my new bicycle

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I am actually thinking about extending my car drivers license to light electric motorcycles by taking some classes (125cc/11kw limit). Imo these make much more sense than a pedal assisted bicycle. There are already plenty of roads and no need to build more bike lanes, riders can go at competitive speeds and don’t block traffic/no dangerous overtaking, you don’t have to pedal when in fact you don’t want to, no useless alibi cranks and cogs, leave cycle ways to cyclists, ….
In a more civilized place than where I live that looks like a very good option. Where I'm at it's a toss up which is a worse idea, riding a motorcycle on the street or a pedal bike in the bike lane. By stealthy means I avoid both those places if at all possible.
A waitress at the waterfront bistro I frequent was riding her MC when a car bumped into the back of her at a stop light. She wasn't injured (yet). While picking up her bike the driver proceeded to push her and her MC out of the way, breaking her leg against the curb, and then drove off. He was captured. Fortunately she recovered fully.
I could give about 5 more examples like this from people I know /knew but most of them were much more tragic.
I can see a DIYer taking the easy way out and building a front hubmotor bike. Or a trike where the rear drive might be complicated already. But to offer one commercially? I would say this was predictable.

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