Thanks for the picture... That always makes things clearer!
This is a crazy world. Nobody needs reminding of it's countless frustrations...
I don't know if bicycles feature as part of a sane world, but if they do, then so do manufacturers that provide a spare set of springs and pawls with every freewheel... but if they did do that, how many of us would remember where we had put them 28 years ago?
Chances are that within 5 metres of you and me and everyone else reading this there is some barely used domestic appliance, and somewhere inside it is just the bit of steel you need to make a new pair of freewheel pawl springs, but where exactly is that bit of steel?
This repair is do-able I am sure with piano wire, which is spring-steel, but you would probably need to try a few different gauges of wire to get a satisfactory result. Somewhere near you is a fella who strings pianos. He throws old piano wire away all the time. When he restrings a piano he is left with many offcuts of brand-new piano wire of various gauges which he also throws away. But where exactly is that man?
Perhaps somewhere in those paragraphs is your raw material. While finding it, and working it, of course your mind, just like mine, is constantly saying: "This is more trouble than it is worth, I must be crazy..."
I was reading this last night: It's not about freewheels, or even about bicycles, but it's kind of related...