Sold Mavic X221 wheels GT hub and LX

Hi There, ive messaged a mate, I am building a polished alloy GT Zaskar for a mate, with that lx group.
I would jump at these as they would look amazeballs..!
He had said hope hubs, but he don't need hope!
As I am not spending my money.. any chance of some reassurance on rim wear, apologies I would be after postage, but perhaps could round up the postage to £15?
Rim wear is subjective so a suitable flat edge across the surface kinda snap would be enough to reassure me, sure you understand I don't want to receive them and they are not as good as they look, for my mates dream bike build.
Price seems sound, if rims are low wear so subject to a snap of surface I am happy to buy these.
many thanks Ben