Low carb lifestyles

kaiser":3c9dgs1c said:
Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like pauper.

This. And snack with fruit, seeds, etc if you need to. Not empty calories. Eventually you will stop craving food-like substances :LOL:
beshroomed":27ldafa8 said:
kaiser":27ldafa8 said:
Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like pauper.

This. And snack with fruit, seeds, etc if you need to. Not empty calories.
If you're going away from the a calorie is a calorie idea, just bearing in mind what some fruits may do to your appetite.
beshroomed":27ldafa8 said:
Eventually you will stop craving food-like substances :LOL:
The more you diet or weight you lose, the more your body will fight to retain bodyfat and increase appetitie. Thousands of years of evolution have honed that. Just remember, your body hates you ($ to Lyle ;-))
That depends on why the weight is being lost. Cutting out meals or even just skipping breakfast can lead to putting on weight as that is sending signals to your body that food is scarce and it will store some as fat. Regular sensible eating will lead to a balance and the body won't tend to hoard excess energy as fat.
You only really need to eat enough to get you to your next meal, anything else is unnecessary unless you are sumo! But i'm no nutritionist.. just laying out there what I've read and hopefully offering some useful helpful info!
Another thing that can lead to excess eating is boredom.. and you can end up addicted to food in a very similar way as with many 'drugs' (as far as the brain is concerned anyway).
A lot of processed food fails to trigger the correct hormones that give you that full feeling and that can easily lead to overeating too.
beshroomed":gdng6jk0 said:
That depends on why the weight is being lost.
Weight is only lost because calories going in < calories expended (there can be some variance on rate of burn of calories, and rate of absorption).
beshroomed":gdng6jk0 said:
Cutting out meals or even just skipping breakfast can lead to putting on weight as that is sending signals to your body that food is scarce and it will store some as fat.
Just skipping the odd meal isn't likely to do that, though.

And fat (as in bodyfat) is the only real long-term storage for excess calories (although not just in the time-frame of a few hours).
beshroomed":gdng6jk0 said:
Regular sensible eating will lead to a balance and the body won't tend to hoard excess energy as fat.
So long as you're not regularly exceeding maintenance calories, I'd agree.

But excess calories are stored as bodyfat, ultimately.
beshroomed":gdng6jk0 said:
A lot of processed food fails to trigger the correct hormones that give you that full feeling and that can easily lead to overeating too.
Dieting tends to contribute to that, too.

After a few days of reduced calories, the body hormonally fights to restore the intake situation, and tends to partition things away from protein and towards bodyfat.

Plus the "system" is asymetric - your normal stasis - ie where your body has developed to your, individual, normal levels of weight and body composition, your body fights harder when your losing weight, it doesn't do anything like the same when you're gaining weight.

As I said, your body hates you - remember that (I can't take credit for the saying, though... ;-))
Great reply :) I think we are arguing the same side of the coin! Between us we cover most relevant points.
Yes the odd skipped meal won't cause any trouble but it is easy to end up with that as a lifestyle especially in todays hectic world.. vicious cycle.. late night snacks will leave you less likely to want breakfast.. and by the end of the day you will be prone to more snacks ha.

The only way for me to break that cycle was to become obsessive with what I was eating, which wouldn't be for everyone of course..
I was counting calories daily but that was more to teach myself the nutritional values of various foods and slowly tapered off the obsession and was left with an appetite I can easily respond and relate to. It showed me how bad my previous diet was and introduced me to loads of new foods I wouldn't normally have considered. Information and willpower is the key.

I love waking up with a roaring appetite!
Cut out carbs after 5.p.m - means substituting carbs for loads of veg so that you feel full. Worked for me! Just takes a leap of faith to start with.
CAS":3nko1j26 said:
Cut out carbs after 5.p.m - means substituting carbs for loads of veg so that you feel full. Worked for me! Just takes a leap of faith to start with.
Some veggies have a fair amount of carbs in - carrots, peas, corn for example.

Unless it's in relation to exercise or activity, though, I wouldn't worry too much about time of day - it will have precious little bearing on body composition or "partitioning". Some people eat carb meals in the evening, because carbs have a tendency to make you sleepy.