Sold Kona Explosif 1993 - XTR - accessories

Lovely bike. Big fan of those colours. Would be onto this if I had the spare cash... best I can offer is a bump.
Split it! You'll get more cash that way and most of it will sell within the hour. No eBay fees or eBay plonkers who claim it's not right n want cash back after the sale, grrrr! Plus you'll be helping out fellow Retrobikers. I'd take those forks if they come available!
Whatever you do, good luck and it's a great looking build.
I'll take any of the headset bits if still available if you're selling the odds and sods separately?
You could have this xtr equipped explosif bike, with all the kit.

Or if you got to facebook you can buy a Lava Dome, for £600

I know which I would buy for this sort of money.

Wouldn't be surprise if you see this nice bike split and flipped on an ebay buy :-(
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