It’s ok not to be ok

nobby the sheep

Retrobike Rider
Don’t know if it’s already been done on this forum but I thought I’d put it out there . The thing is it’s ok not to be ok mentally I mean ,most of my adult life if suffered PTSD and anxiety, it’s taken me to the brink of suicide on more than one occasion.I still have times were the black dog of depression hangs over me but I’d like to think the suicidal tendencies have passed .

My aim with this thread is not one of me looking for people to feel sorry for me but let people know they are not alone and it’s good to talk even if you think no one is listening.we all have ways of managing and hopefully with this thread we can help each other
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I’ve lost few friends to suicide and I’ve a few friends who work in psychological support in the NHS, all of whom are brilliant people.

Whilst those services are great they aren’t always the first step for everyone compared to a chat down the pub or on a bike ride.
I’ve lost few friends to suicide and I’ve a few friends who work in psychological support in the NHS, all of whom are brilliant people.

Whilst those services are great they aren’t always the first step for everyone compared to a chat down the pub or on a bike ride.
Sort of the reason I decided to start this thread. Hopefully someone who’s suffering will read this thread a realise that there not alone and will take the first steps to getting help
I love the retrobike forum because it's full of people like this, not the usual forums which deteriorate into questioning the validity of your parents and their lineage.
I literally live with mental illness (my wife, not me) and it's hard sometimes to be the person kinda watching from the sidelines as sometimes there is little you can do to help except listen.
Full respect to anyone who wants to air stuff here and the only judgement i make will be on your bike choices.
Greate thread. Do you all tend to find that cycling has a positive effect on your mental health?
Absolutely! Living with depression and after a very bad mobbing experience at my job, I saved myself with a gravel bike. I needed that escape and silence and solitude so badly... Now, things go better but every now and then, I have to ride to my nearby forest
Fresh air therapy for me is the best course of treatment for ( saying that I am a farmer so 99% of the time I’m outside anyways ) me .I’ve tried to avoid the medication route .
I find that I’m conscious of the affects of to much drinking can have on my mental heath so largely stay sensible with it as if the drinking got out of hand it could be a slippery slope with dia results .
I’ve found another good coping mechanism for me is to write down exactly thoughts running through my mind when things begin to feel like there spiralling out of turns out I’ve become a bit of a poet .here’s an example.

From the profound sound of a heart beat to the silence of the skies after the storm clouds have passed each moment holds a unique sequence that can either instill you with fear or joy but the fickleness of the mind can create chaos so imeasurble not even the heart can hold strength

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