Gay Marriage

See if Jesus was about today he would have no problem with it at all , god bless em , not that i'm particularly religious you understand.
Chute55uk":1rx91hnz said:
@b77 if the ceremony was a civil matter then divorce stands to reason, as the vows were not made in same sense and with the same purpose as they are in a church, the fact that people get married in a church who are not religious make promises to god that they may or may not have any intention of keeping and then dont give a second thought to god after the event irks me more than a same sex partnership.

So are you saying that all marriages conducted without promises to a god or within the sight of god are shams and not really 'real' marriages, in which case divorce is ok ?

I'm not having a pop by any means, it's refreshing to find someone wiling to discuss their beliefs.
greenstiles":e2ltfitf said:
Will anyone own up to saying that they are strongly against gay marriage for any reason i wonder ?

Never really seen the point of marriage, full stop. Probably something to do with my upbringing though - Mum & Dad only bothered because it was "the done thing" back in the day, otherwise they'd have been content with just living together and leaving it at that (for the record, they are still together and happy with their lot!).

I consider myself very much a married woman and I am happily married to a man, but, I was married in a registry office as I've renounced religion and my husband never had any, so to some I am as unmarried as it's possible to be as it was not a religious ceremony. Crap I say, the word, I believe, was not coined by any particular religion it was just adopted by religious groups and so is therefore open to be used by anyone entering into a legally binding relationship whether performed in a church or in a registry office. I will always consider myself married and so does the law and that is enough for me. Although now I'd be just as happy in a good relationship, marriage has ceased to be as important to me as it was 20 years ago.

I know a lot of people say that marriage, either civil or religious can add extra pressure..........i'm guessing cos it's not as easy to end a marriage as just a regular people can feel trapped when things are not going smooth....where as a regular relationship i guess people feel they always have the option of just walking out the door....?
Chute55uk":rhw2xt6w said:
@grahame, ... the bible is full of contradictions and was written over a very long period of time none of which took in to account the world we live in today, but I think its adaptable enough that one could work their lifestyle around it...
That is a feeble cop-out. The bible is supposed (by the religious) to be the revealed word of an unchanging, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent god.

So how can it change over a long period of time? if God doesn't change, surely his word doesn't change?

The God of the bible is probably the meanest, most racist, bigoted, downright evil being ever documented.
Funny enough I know of two couples who had been together for many, many years then chose to get married and were separated within two years, madness, and another couple who would never dream of getting married who have been together for nearly 30 years.

Ah well these things happen
err no, thinking outloud sorry for the err. I wouldnt call them shams as I think marriage means different things to different people, what I meant was making a promise to god i.e. in a church infront of an ordained minister is different than a ceremony in a town hall or the "chapel o love" with elvis doing the buisiness.
the bigger picture here is whats the purpose of this whole "gay marriage" thing. someone said its a label, I was watching the news last night with some gay people saying they felt like they wern't properly together because they have to call it a civil partnership rather than a marriage. do they think things are going to change if they get married in a church? maybe in their eyes it will but it wont in the eyes of god and they will have to attone for that. my view isnt going to change on that just because the law forces something through parliment just to appease yet another hard done by minority. let me put it into my own context if i can, they banned foxhunting, why? because people like me believe its morally wrong the same as i wouldnt hit a child, but some think foxes are pests and should be put down. whos right?
it depends on your belief, doesnt it? try banning hunting in canada. :D

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