FS Raleigh Styler x 2 and Hugh Porter ?


MacRetro Rider
Hello BMX'rs,

I work as a volunteer at Edinburgh Bike Station, a bicycle recycling charity. The charity has little internet presence as regards bike sales as know one has time to keep updating the stock. Consequently some of the interesting stuff is not reaching the right audience.

One of the mechanics who is a serious Bike Geek has secreted some of the more interesting kit away from the general public in the hope of finding a market that will best appreciate them.

Now I am a member of here and have promised to put the feelers out for potential buyers.

So there is a Red Raleigh Styler and a White Raleigh Styler old school BMX looking for a home.

Also there is a Hugh Porter chopper style bike which I have never heard of but looks like a cross between a chopper and a striker.

If any of you are potentially interested then please post up and I will get photo's and some prices nailed down.

You would have to arrange couriers but we have the bike boxes and packing material kicking about.

Cheers Velo