Feel old


Senior Retro Guru
just had a day when i am bored cant get out as its wet and wife in bed as on nights this weekend so decided to watch some classic comedy namely monty python watched the holy grail first and currently watching the life of brian, what makes me feel old is my kids dont get the humour what have i done wrong my eldest said its bloody hilarious dad this aint it in a sarcastic way :cry:

i going to collect some more classic comedy from my brother later as he got a massive collection and going to educate them after all i need to as eldest likes laurel and hardy and got the dvd collection for xmas
strap them to the chair infront of the telly with their eyelids taped open and make them watch it till they find it funny! :LOL:

then when they get it you could drop a big foot on them!
I decided that I was old today because I was enjoying an Audrey Hepburn film. Most annoyed when I had to leave it and go buy a tumble dryer instead.
Catching up on all my old copies of Spaced whilst double-wrapping ( successfully! ) two colours of black and maroon handlebar tape on me 20 year old tourer. Bliss.

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