Entry level rust bucket . . . but it's red! Specialized Hardrock Comp 2003


Kona Fan
GT Fan
Ebay 001.jpeg
Following on from my wanted thread in the <1997 section, I picked up this little thing for not too much cash. Really wanted a 13" Rockhopper but hey, it's red, the weather is good (well it was . . . sorry) and I'm impatient (only have just over a month till we return to sunny North Georgia ☺️).

Gears have been downgraded to 7 speed (I think the original came with 8 speed) and the wheels are not original - 7 speed freewheel and rusty steel spokes but zero rim wear - prob been left outside unused. I do like a challenge 💪



Stripped it down yesterday and the frame has polished up an absolute treat ✨ Let's hope I can get the rest looking as good 🤞

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Looking presentable - spoke rust came off easily with a wire brush (front hub will need a repaint or replacement but the wheels run true so it'll do for now. Those boat anchor Judy's may be first to go though - stripped them down completely but they still barely move at my weight 😬

Looking great. Wheels cleaned up perfectly. Seeing as the forks don't move anyway might as well pop on a nice rigid steel fork 😜
80mm travel so probably nearer 450 although I do have my eye on a couple of older SIDs and Manitous on the 'Bay - so long as my skateboard sells 😅 What was I even thinking with no ACL 🙄 #endofanerror 😬
Inaugural outing this afternoon and it rides so nicely - been playing away with BMX and DH bikes so flat bars and a lower (for me) front end were a revelation . . .

. . . that said, even I couldn't predict that my first upgrade would be the frame 😲🤭

I don't know who else was watching the little Gulf Stumpy on the 'Bay (I think the same one that CassidyAce was offering for collection last month). Well, I'm a sucker for a bit of blue and orange so it would've been rude not to and I'm always up for a decal retouch challenge 🖌️🔍

I guess I'll need to make a new thread . . . watch this space!