Dawes The Edge/ Pace RC31 restomod build


Devout Dirtbag
After finishing the Robert’s white spider we had quite a few components left over. Spare wheels, chainset, bars, stem, canti brakes. I was also keen to build something up similar myself and using some of the leftovers.

Started looking around for a 16/17” frame or bike with a fairly short top tube - around 21”.

Anyway, spotted RB post about a 16” Dawes frame for sale on EBay which peaked my interest. It was 1 1/8 head tube and I was looking for 1 inch so I could use a Tioga 1 inch quill stem but hey it was a British 653 hand built fillet brazed frame listed at £50.

However, it was frameset and BB only- what would be a suitable fork? Started looking for some P2’s or similar- I definitely prefer the look of straight blade forks. Not many 1 1/8 P2’s about. Anyway I spotted a set of Pace RC31’s and before I got much chance to think about it I’d done the deal to buy those - the auction for the frame hadn’t even ended! The forks have 420mm a-c. I believe the original Dawes geo max forks were 400mm . However the original catalogue forks were pace rc35 which have around 45mm travel. Hopefully the rc31’s work okay on this frame.

Anyway, the Dawes auction drew to a close - placed a bid and hooray won the auction.

Thinking about the build- I’m not too hung up about period correct build. I’m going to use mid 2000’s Easton bars and stem, new 1x11 drive train, new xt hubs built onto some Mavic rims that have been built but never ridden before. Turns out my husband wasn’t too keen for me to re-dish his spare wheels to take 11 speed - fair enough!

Frame and forks were delivered during the week. Just left on the doorstep by postie whilst I was at work. Both super light - particularly the forks.
Inspecting the BB that was the original catalogue spec - zero components bb with titanium axle - is this going to be a problem? needs some kind of 4 pin tool to remove the cups - no lock ring here! Hmmm ….. I’m sure this was the cutting edge of design BITD but not very practical to remove after 30 years! Can’t find the tool online anywhere - however I was reading @bikeworkshop thread about another Dawes Edge bike that was picked up at auction and that bb came out okay.

Anyway my husband had an inkling he might have a 2 pin tool out in the garage. He found 2 of them last night so we tried to remove with those. Plenty of penetrating spray later and bracing the tools with parts from a headset press and a freewheel remover but no joy and one of the pin holes cracked- did I mention the cups are aluminium.

Next steps are probably going to book it into the bike shop and see if they can remove it. Unless anyone knows where I can get a 4 pin tool for this.

However before the bb comes out by whatever means necessary I want to check the chain line with the 107 axle. I’ve bought an Sugino xd2 crank and Hope narrow-wide chainring. The xd2 has recommend 113mm bb but the chainset with ring mounted on the outside position looked pretty good at first glance. I plan to investigate this a bit further by fitting the chainset and popping in a wheel and checking/measuring the chainline.
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So I wanted to have a look at the chainline with look like with the current 107mm bb. Chucked in a set of wheels from another bike. I think it looks like it might work with the chainring mounted so I’m tempted to build it up whilst I figure out how to remove bb . I’ll call a couple of local bike shops ask about. How rare is a 4 pin tool btw anyone know? I was thinking about going down the DIY route but don’t think I’ve got the skill or equipment. IMG_1628.jpeg


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Also wanted to check seat post so borrowed a 27.0mm from the Roberts. It’s a bit tight but the some sort of plastic wedge in seat clamp It got a small cut out too. Anyway the xtr qr doesn’t fit. Any ideas - do I need some other type of bolt? I believe originally spec’d with zero components again .
Also wanted to check seat post so borrowed a 27.0mm from the Roberts. It’s a bit tight but the some sort of plastic wedge in seat clamp It got a small cut out too. Anyway the xtr qr doesn’t fit. Any ideas - do I need some other type of bolt? I believe originally spec’d with zero components again .

Mine had the zero seat collar qr.
It willdefinitely be worth cleaning inside the seat tube with a wire brush.
"A bit tight" sounds like the right size - 0.2mm too big won't go in below the slot - although I'd assumed mine was 27.2 without even checking🙄

I'll post up the disc fitting operation 👍