Can anyone identify this frame?

Nothing springs to mind, but the obvious stand-out is the extended top tube and seat stay set-up. Seems to be running late 80’s early 90’s bits (shifters/brake levers seem to be much more modern, and a saddle from ”Sofa Sofa”), which may help date it.
That U brake dates it, so yes late 80s, turn of the 90s.
Styling is late 80s (89ish) era in my opinion, though fat tubing for that era, MaxOR possibly and nice feature on the crown of the forks.

Looks fun, looks cool and different to the boring stuff.
Looks to be Deore DX, but other parts have been swapped out, like the brake levers, rear wheel etc. That frame though! I was thinking it might be an Iron Horse of some description, but it doesn't appear to be that either. Looks to be steel, but as you said Fluffy, quite large dia tubes... I'm in Australia, and for $20 I've put my hand up for it!
I noted the fork crown too - seems like there's something going on there... How good is Marketplace? :)
I have zero expertise with tubing and am not someone who can identify it from its shape etc, but they do look like the same as the forks on my Overburys which are Columbus Cromor OR
Kinda GT triple triangle, but then again not even close - weirdo design.

Gtpulse - the forks do indeed look similar, but with only one fender/luggage lug instead of two (per side).