
Happened to me too...I was away abroad when they did the house. My wife and very young children were upstairs.

The feeling is awful but it does pass. Glad you were not hurt.
I take it the plod didn't bother lifting prints, then? I know the bit about drilling out the lock on the back door suggests pre-planning and "Going equiped for theft" but it's surprising how many of these scrotes don't think to wear gloves. Some friends of mine got back home and surprised the ne'r do wells when they were part way through the window; no gloves. If these varmints can be pinned down to one burglary they'll probably confess to loads more as well.

Not that I want to worry you but if you've been burgled once then it's statistically likely that they'll try again. In your case they drilled out the lock, which suggests they knew the house was empty but then they just grabbed random stuff, suggesting that they were disturbed before they were finished. Best put your Pace and Stumpjumper in the loft for the next few weeks just in case, and if they come back while you are at home you can put them in the loft too! Leave them there a week or two, don't worry about the screaming, peoples neighbours don't like to interfere these days so they'll just tell themselves it must be the telly. Then a day or two after it's gone quiet tip them into Ladybower Res, with some heavy stones. Job done!
Can you disconnect the central locking on modern cars? If you can it might be a good idea to do that until the locks get changed. If all they know about the car is that it has a FIAT fob or whatever then all they need to do is walk down your street pressing the plipper whenever they see a FIAT until your lights flash, then they know which one to take.
Don't have a window cleaner do you ?

The reason I ask is coz when we got done over it turned out to be the window cleaner who through his job looked through all our windows and again through his job of being the window cleaner he was told not to bother coming between such and such dates because there would be no one around to pay him.

Something else, being a window cleaner he had a legitimate use for carrying a ladder up people's driveways.

Now we just have dirty windows that the rain washes now and again.
Because they have taken your spare car key ask your insurers to replace all the locks on the car, they took the key for a reason so best have them changed just in case the scrotes take a fancy to it later
Dont leave boxes of the replacement kit for the stuff nicked outisde on gerneral view either. It's been known for the scrotes to watch a house that's been done over wait until the insurance has paid out, Boxes for the replacement kit placed outside for the bin man etc then re-target the house :evil:
Many things in hand at the moment; the car is away for lock change, door has been 'made safe' pending a new one, found a lot of lost pictures on various dongles/pen drives and my work hard drive. Guitars now in the loft. Cant do a lot about the bikes; they live in the lounge because there's nowhere else to put them. Beefy security system being installed with seismic shock protected doors to catch any bastard that wants to give them a bang. The worst thing that potentially could have happened is that they took my Global knives... Whether that was on the way out or perish the thought the way in we'll never know.

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