20 chaps riding London - Brighton on Raleigh Twentys in 2020


Retrobike Rider
So there are a group of outstanding characters aiming to do a charity ride next year...
20 riders, cycling London to Brighton in 2020 on Raleigh Twenties. I know what you’re thinking, “wow what a brilliant idea“. If you’re interested (and why in the world wouldn’t you be) please let me know...
Interested very interested :D

Getting hold of a twenty, doing it up and riding it no problem as I've done it before :D

This is the kind of madness to live for :LOL:
Excellent. Do you participate in that Facebook thing??? The "organiser" has set up a group just for prospective nuts....

Myself and a friend are potentially up for it, modified kingpin and stowaway. I’m not on FB but I’ve pointed him in the right direction.

Sounds fun.