1995 Scott Racing , update pg 3


...DIRTY! :shock: :shock: , you mean like , ...actual real life dirt :shock:, actually ON the tyres and touching the parts, dirt ...like the stuff you see on the tv programs sometimes and magazines :oops: :shock:

:roll: hell ! If that's the case and I'm suppose to actually , physically ride these damm things ! I'll need to go back to the drawing board and start all again, :roll: :evil: :twisted: ..just when I thought I'd got the final build sorted :cry: :facepalm:

Little update , a few more parts trickled through the letterbox :)
I've decided to run mainly m900 gearing even though I suppose I should perhaps run the later m950 stuff to keep it more period , but to hell with it I think the m900 stuff suits better, we'll see.
I've managed to track down most of the final bits now, just deciding on the last few tweeks and final build spec.

The m900 Cranks polished up nicely if I go with them, I'll just need some 'XTR' decals then I'll send them off for clear-coat anodising, I've still yet to decide on the type of brakes and shifter combo as the Xtr set I've bought I'm not feelin' the lines, was thinking dia comp 987's or 985's via a ritchey brake lever , or maybe some grafton type in purple hmm. dunno ..

As always your comments and suggestions are welcomed.



Lol, yes I know .. Very shoddy of me. But I'm awaiting the arrival of new skewers ;) , and this is far from finished :facepalm:

Just more of a gathering :LOL:

Long time overdue :) :)

I've been playing around with the 'finished build' on this bike now for ages ! :|

The planned Xtr M900 ,Goldtec and exotica build, was ditched in favour of something a little different, those nice NOS M900 components, I bought for this have now been allocated to something a little more deserving arriving in the stable very soon ;) :) . so time to get this rolling again.

I've been deciding what to do with it, as I won't sell it, the ride is so nice , its very snappy, direct, comfortable and responsive, all at the same time .. but is definitely a race orientated machine and over longer outings it does get a little fatiguing having to be so on the ball all the time, :( :) :)

That being said, it does have a certain amount of comfort , read 'flex' built into the geometr/tube butting , which is a typical generic feel with good quality, nicely put together steel tubes,

The build direction changed quite a bit on this, and is still undertaking minor changes, one day, I should get it just how I'm happy with it aesthetically and more importantly get everything tuned to work faultlessly and together well for this frame.

Some changes since the photos below were taken, the rigid fork has been replaced by something with a little bit of bounce built in :) , the Magura hydro brakes have been replaced with more period correct cantilever brakes :) , additions of titanium and alloy fixings have been added to try and reduce overall weigh , whilst 'pimpimping' it up a little ;) :facepalm: :) :cool:

I'll try and get some time over the next couple of days to take some better up-to date photos :) , but for now .

More soon.
