18k on a broken leg!

Re: Re:

NeilM":22fx5560 said:
I'm not really bothered about how the fall happened, and frankly some other forums are doing the 'his bike broke' theme to death, while ignoring the fact that a rider was seriously injured.

The whole point of this thread was to give Contador (and Froome and others) some credit for carrying on, especially when contrasted by the overpaid drama queens seen at the World Cup.

hated the bloke;for the fact he doped and didnt get treated as bad as lance
but he went up in my estimation yesterday thanking his teammate'
i admit i may be being hard on him;over the beef thing'
just feel armstrong was made a scapegoat.

nibali,s specialized seemed to be going just fine yesterday.and the factory sale will be well worth a visit when the omega and saxo boy,s send there bikes back. plenty of bikes with 1 not so careful owner
Evening all,

There was a pic of the broken bike but it was hard to say which bike it was as there may have been a spare bike around. Also, on the ITV commentary there was mention that Contador had stated he hit a stone of hole which caused the fall. Nothing got mentioned for definite today.

I respect him for getting back on and thinking his team mates but there is always a nagging suspicion re the drugs and his press profile. Good on him for getting on. I agree about the footballers!

Does anyone know who rode in the Tour with a broken collarbone and used an inner tube tied to the bars and gripped it with their teeth to ride instead of using the bad arm?

Well, chapeau to Mr Magni - i was telling the guys in work about him today, unreal in modern times when a footballer trips and falls on a blade of grass and rolls round - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is the only way i can describe that!


p.s. thanks for the name
Tyler Hamilton broke his collar bone and finished a Mountain stage a few years ago too, however if I had had quite the same amount of drugs he had then I'd probably have been able to do that as well. And I'd be well up for dancing the night away, he probably just went back to the Hotel and had some sleep. Wuss.