15th September - Glencoe Camp and ride out.



checked the met office site today for the 5 day forecast. first look for sunday is heavy rain all day and 25mph winds :shock:

having read a few reports this ride is tough enough in the dry and is not recommended in the wet (or even if it has been wet recently. as the CP changes from being a dried up river bed of boulders to a river!

will keep an eye on this but if weather still poor for sunday come say friday night i would propose to postpone this ride as this deserves good weather and a good turnout.
Aye, they were talking about this on the radio this morning - low pressure over Shetland, gale force winds and rain over the north.

Sunday's looking like a wash out country wide, but given we have a precious weekend pass, do we want to think about alternatives? I know it's short notice, but just going up early on Saturday and getting the ride in could be an option? Weather still looks good. Or somewhere else on Saturday for a day's riding?
agree with the above, but think we should give it a day or two before making a decision. tuesday/wednesdays forecast is seldom sundays weather, although it does look bleak :roll:
i need to take shonas car into garage saturday morning so i would struggle to get to glencoe in any decent time for a long ride.

other options for saturday could be:
Glentress ?
Pentlands ?
Cambussbarron/north third ?
ZZ's trails which are fairly central ?
not going to manage to come college cocked up my bursery :( the weathers saying chances of snow in kinlochleven at the weekend

going to go to carron valley insted
Put a jacket on and dry your eyes princess's.

Are you mexicans or mexic*nts

I dont want to go to a trail centre and ride with all the other sheila's ;)

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