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  1. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    All Finished ......
  2. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Just got my frame and forks back from the paint shop, having had it lacquered, the finish is amazing, the paint looks like it’s wet, even making it hard to take a picture. Anyway, the re assembly starts tomorrow.
  3. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    I wanted something different from the norm.
  4. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    And a few more.........
  5. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Re: Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration - New Pics !!! I'm Getting There.........Well, I got the frame back from the paint shop, but only for long enough to apply the Cannondale Frame Stickers, then I quickly rushed it back to the paint shop so they can lacquer it early next week. Very...
  6. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Great Video, Stunning paintwork and love the grey color, hoping mine comes out just as nice.
  7. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Re: Update Sorry for lack of updates, frame still away at spray shop and don’t want to rush them. Spent the weekend refurbishing some of the components I’ll be reusing in the build (Of which there’s very few), Rocky Mountain Bars, Cannondale Stem, which after a degrease and some satin finish...
  8. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Re: Update Frame given a special cote of etch primer and in the oven on a slow low heat.
  9. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Re: I’m hoping so, looking forward to getting the frame back from the spray shop, told them to take as long as it takes, I want a show finish. Decision to paint it grey was a hard decision, but everyone has red, yellow, blue...... wanted something different and with white Cannondale decals and...
  10. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    And a few more.........
  11. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Well today I dropped off my frame to a buddy of mine who works at a spray shop, they gave my hard work the once over and agreed that it was up to their standard of preparation for painting. Now it's just a waiting game until it's completed, I decided on Nardo Gray, and Audi Colour, with the...
  12. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    And some of the new components have started to arrive, it's like Christmas :xmas-big-grin: :xmas-big-grin: Now I just need to get my buddy to spray the frame, I'm thinking Nando Grey, as a contrast for the black components, and I've ordered some Cannondale Frame Stickers, two sets so I'll...
  13. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Things starting to look a little better........ Paint stripper used on those hard to get too areas.
  14. J

    1995 Cannondale F700

    Re: Where did you get your spring and elasto from ???
  15. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Re: My Hand Made Castle Tool Modified Halfords 22mm Socket, not pretty, but does the job perfectly.
  16. J

    1995 Cannondale F700

    Looks like were both doing a similar project. I did the stripdown and paint strip, along with the Headshock (DD60) today too. My elastometer had turned to gunge too. Got a new one on order and luckily my damper is fine, all it needed what the oil changing and bleeding. Made my own castle...
  17. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Re: Newbie - Cannondale F700 I initially started with a complete frame strip, and then got on to sanding the whole frame back to aluminium, a tiring task even with a good DA sander. But eventually got it immaculate. The headshock was in a bit of a state, the spring looks fine, but I ordered...
  18. J

    Newbie - Cannondale F700 Restoration

    Re: And the restoration begins.......... So..... the restoration begins, after a day in the workshop, she's ready for paint. Headshock rebuilt (DD60) after making my own Castle Tool, just waiting for a few bits, actually it's a lot of bits :D :D
  19. J

    Who can service 1997 Cannondale Headshock DD60 Front Suspens

    Re: Many Thanks, I'll give them a shout. Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.
  20. J

    Who can service 1997 Cannondale Headshock DD60 Front Suspens

    Need my 1997 Cannondale F700 Headshock DD60 Front Suspension serviced, if possible within the UK, does anyone know who can do this. Unfortunately I'm not technically competent and don't have the specialist tools to do it myself. Any help greatly appreciated.