Recent content by Dface

  1. Dface

    Bikes and Bridges

    Sun’s out. Guns out.
  2. Dface

    Bikes and Bridges

  3. Dface

    Bikes and Bunkers

    Cool bunker. Not so cool puncture.
  4. Dface

    Bikes and Bunkers

    I was trying to find one close to my house yesterday and I’ve discovered it’s at the bottom of someone’s garden so I can’t get to it. There’s plenty down the nature reserve though so I’m off out today hunting. Bunkers, not birds.. 🦅
  5. Dface

    1992 M800 Cannondale Beast of the East

    Here’s some of the stuff I used off the floor from the donor. I love making good use of bits that people don’t care about.
  6. Dface

    1992 M800 Cannondale Beast of the East

    Just thought I’d share this bike I’ve knocked up for myself. This was the Cannondale frame that was at auction in Tring with some nice bits on that went for £25. I watched it live and didn’t bid because it was a 260 mile round trip for frame that might be toast. A member bought it and took the...
  7. Dface

    Back home after 10 years!!! RC200 F4

    This is going to look great. Very shiny no doubt… Fair play for tackling the wheel build too, they always feel like ‘your’ wheels when you’ve built them yourself.
  8. Dface

    Not another 91 Kona Lava Dome

    I’ll keep an eye on this. It’s a good read 🙂
  9. Dface

    Cannondale trad auction Tring

    I’ve ended up with this frame @markjohnson76 Would you mind if I use your Facebook photos of it on the floor? I normally do some before and after stuff. Forgot to take some before photos though.. 🙃
  10. Dface

    Orange Clockwork FINISHED 99.9% Anyway.

    Thanks 🙂
  11. Dface

    Orange Clockwork FINISHED 99.9% Anyway.

    i used Gil for the decals. This paint is quite forgiving but if you hold it too far away it drys mid air leaving a weak powder finish. 5-12cm are the instructions on the tin for the coloured paint. I was a bit far away first coat but holding it closer was much better.
  12. Dface

    Orange Clockwork FINISHED 99.9% Anyway.

    I’d actually get it powder coated next time because of the effort to get it down to metal. By the time I’d bought stripper, grits, primer, paint and clear lacquer and my time it was quite the effort really but I just wanted to paint one to see if I could.
  13. Dface

    Orange Clockwork FINISHED 99.9% Anyway.

    Yeah it’s not too bad to use. I think I could do a better job next time though. You have to hold the paint fairly close or it turns to powder before it hits the frame. Quite resistant to runs it was.
  14. Dface

    Orange Clockwork FINISHED 99.9% Anyway.

    Still not a YouTube millionaire....
  15. Dface

    Bikes and Bunkers

    Great tool. There’s one less than 500m from my house I didn’t even know existed.