Yeti build thread. Not in the wrong section.

for me a 3d printer is just another tool in a similar way to a laser cutter. all tools are for is to make something quicker (or time saving). as you've said, you could have done this by hand, but it would have taken for ever, so you used a tool to do some of the work and speed up the process. the 3d printer is the same, it just gets you closer to the finished article than the laser cutter, i.e. it speeds up the process. both are tools and both have their place (e.g. grips :) ), neither require no skill at all to use, just a different set of skills. Before I had a printer, I made things out of foam, aluminium, steel, plastic sheet, etc. with the printer I can make the same thing from plastic, often quicker and often with the printer working away behind me while I'm making something else.

both the laser and the printer are also a bit like having an apprentice, you do all the front end work, hand it to them to get on with middle bit where skills aren't as essential then go do something else where your skills are needed, coming back to them at the end to use your skills again to finish it.

so yer, that was a ramble, TLDR, neither are cheating, they are just tools. :) none of it detracts from your skills here, it looks awesome.
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both the laser and the printer are also a bit like having an apprentice

You've hit the nail squarely on the head there, I like that analogy.🔨

When it comes to making stuff for my job, I'll take all the apprentices you can give me. If I'm making stuff for fun then maybe the apprentice takes away some of the sense of ownership.
Perhaps "cheating" was too strong a term regarding 3D printers. Maybe it's just that it takes away slightly from the satisfaction I get out of the task. As I said earlier, I usually don't finish these self-set projects once the sense of challenge is over. That's why I've deliberately left the chain until last.
It's like an end-of-level boss.

You've hit the nail squarely on the head there, I like that analogy.🔨

When it comes to making stuff for my job, I'll take all the apprentices you can give me. If I'm making stuff for fun then maybe the apprentice takes away some of the sense of ownership.
Perhaps "cheating" was too strong a term regarding 3D printers. Maybe it's just that it takes away slightly from the satisfaction I get out of the task. As I said earlier, I usually don't finish these self-set projects once the sense of challenge is over. That's why I've deliberately left the chain until last.
It's like an end-of-level boss.

View attachment 843357
understand completely. for me time is the biggest obstacle, I simply don't have enough of it thanks to other commitments (kids, family, work, life in general), so anything that can let me use that time efficiently is a winner on a project.

my most recent example of where the printer helped - last week I needed to change all the shelf supports in my home office cupboard to something stronger (the crappy Ikea supports couldn't take the weight apparently), I could have gone out to the garage, made a load of either angle or ali bar stock, it would have taken me maybe an hour or two to do. Or I could spend 10 minutes designing something, set the printer going and walk away to do something else (in this case it was changing brakes on the car). come back to the printer a hour later on the build plate is 12 ready for a quick deflashing, add in a few pins and away we go.

my printer is used like this all the time, rarely is it used to print something no utilitarian (stuff for the kids occasionally).
do I have the skills to make this item by hand? yes, do I have the time? no.

edit to add, it's exactly the sort of task you'd set an apprentice too as well. :)


Detracting from your awesome thread though. Sorry folks.
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understand completely. for me time is the biggest obstacle, I simply don't have enough of it thanks to other commitments (kids, family, work, life in general), so anything that can let me use that time efficiently is a winner on a project.
Exactly this. As soon as you put a deadline on a job, I'll take all the assistance you can throw at it.
My shower curtain is hanging from a 3D printed bracket because of the sloping ceiling.