What were the first suspension forks that actually worked?

not a popular choice, but Vectors.

Light - tick

stiff - tick

>2" travel - tick

I think that the Cannondale Headshok was a good fork for a '93 model. Certainly stiffer than most of the conventional forks at the time anyway.
Z1 bombers,

But i'd say Boxxers were the first fork that you could point at anything and not have to wonder if you would make it to the other side, and traverse ruts at retarded angles
Got to be the Scott UniShocks – team issued and everything, so they must have worked… right?

I'll get my coat :oops:
Z1 Bombers no contest, everything before was concentrated on being as light as possbile while just taking the edge off.
Thanks for all the replies so far folks; very interesting. Lots of votes for the Bombers, which I'd suspected might be the case. Superficially (such is my knowledge of fork internals), they seem to be the earliest design that has 'survived' (more or less) into the modern era.

Opening a further can of worms, what was the shortest travel on the early Bombers - 63mm? What adjustments did they have?

Pondering the age old question of period correctness vs. useful parts...