What type of bike builder are you ?

I look for bargains and then rush about with no real plan buying unsuitable stuff and if the bike doesn't get sold, will get it sort of right about 2 years latter :oops:
neilll":9d0vj34e said:
1. I'm......probably the slowest builder on here :oops:
2. I buy all the bits before I start fitting them :?
3. I gun down NOS stuff on eBay at Stupid O'Clock :twisted:
4. I get bored easily :roll:
5. Goto step 1 :LOL: :LOL:


I'm with Neill. My bikes don't even move until I have all the parts, then it's time to get off my lazy keister and do the work to make them complete. I've been a member of Retrobike for some time, and I'll be done my first build in about 4 weeks.
Deore DX NOS
Mavic 217 Sunset NOS

buy it all

fit it to everything I ride

repeat :cool:


OK OK...so the 2008 EWR has Sram X0 on it...but one day, X0 will be the DX of the cycling world...highly regarded but yet somehow always considered second fiddle...

for everything else....DX
I don't know what I am?

I bought a kona and turned it around in six weeks.

I now have an e stay bike, of which could be classed as a wreck and can't be bothered with at the mo. This will be a long term ss project.

I look at the for sale section and see some quality machines at a good price, but then think do I need another bike?

I suppose that's bike building for you
Build with what I have and can find cheap.
Ride and see how it goes.
Tinker = Change components if unhappy, or I break something, or I find something better and/or more interesting/suitable.
Ride some more.
Ride some more.
Ride some more.
Ride some more.
Ride some more.
Get inspiration for a build, this may be a bike, frame or individual component - buy loads of bits for it - decide they are wrong - buy a load more bits - fit it all together - buy more bits as they are still not right - ride it - sell all the extra bits I do not need anymore. Repeat.
All of the above, but I have to say I don't care as much as most people here about how correct something is. If it works well, it generally looks quite good.
2 rules:
Never so fancy that I won't dare use the bike.
Never 2 bikes that are so alike that it's pointless - all my bikes are made for a particular kind of ride.

Find a frame at the right (low) price on the "always wanted one of them" list...

Concept gets decided when I find the frame(After 15 years in the trade, I have a lot of parts/contacts but there's always something you don't have)

Frame arrives - concept rethought if necessary

Preliminary build with what's lying around in case the frame sucks

Swap parts around according to build list, as and when I find them at the right (low) price. (When possible "one part in, parts of similar value out" - this way it's a cheap hobby)

Eventually - one complete bike.
Parkpre took 3 1/2 months
Alan has taken 2 years and is still not finished (lost decals, new rear wheel to build when I find the right rim)
Gios has taken 4 years (waiting for the right rims and tubulars)
Track bike took a week as it's the exception to the rule - a collection of parts waiting for a frame.....
hmmmmm. i've been building my 91 gsxr 7/11 for 5 years now as and when time & money have allowed..... end still not in sight!!!
that said, the funk has now got a new chain & a short cage 735xt rear mech on it so is getting used now.
i'll take building a push bike over a motor bike any day..... less parts!

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