What do you polish with?


Dirt Disciple
I spent a pleasant hour or so yesterday morning cleaning the Bianchi and managed to improve things a lot using Brasso (found it under the sink, I'll no doubt be in trouble when the mrs finds its all gone).

Its fairly obvoius from my efforts that to get it back to immaculate state I am going to have to strip it down a fair bit, but now I've started I can see it becoming a slight obsession.

Is there a better product out there than Brasso?

Will :)
I usually use Autosol on bare non-anodised aluminium, then a car wax on top to keep it shiny for longer.

For anodised aluminium, also chrome and paint, just any car wax/furniture polish do do.
+1 for Autosol on aluminium that has not been anodised. You're wasting your timeif it has been though.

I have just starting using the wax based car polish over my frames, especially to protect the chrome. However, you need to be careful not to use one of those ones that have a cutting agent in them.
A cutting compound like T-Cut (has very fine abrasive used for removing a very thin layer of paint) also works on aluminium, although it is less abrasive than metal polish.

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