vintage Dawes Galaxy circa 1970


Dirt Disciple
I have just acquired this vintage dawes galaxg touring frame to convert to a sngle speed or fixed wheel. haven't really decided what to do yet. Looking for a bit of information regarding the age of the bike and what the original spec of the bike would have been. I think it is an early 1970s but some of you out there might be able to get more exact dates for me and what sort of bottom bracket, chain ring would fit this. Also is there anywhere i can get the original decals as I would like to repaint etc. As you can see from the images the reynolds decal is badly damaged so I was also wondering would anyone have an idea what the correct decal was for this bike as reynolds have over 200 different 531 decals to choose from.

I have will post some links of images for you to have a look at asap.

If anyone has any photos of this bike I would love to see them so I can get an idea of what it really looked like in its day.

