Urban RetroBike #4 - 16th November 2013

Blimey - bit firm there Purley! Personally speaking, the last couple have clashed with commitments which was just the way it goes. Defo in for this.
elPedro666":1jke82uh said:
I'd love to come down for this, sounds like a really cool kind of ride and just the sort of thing I love ... but £80 for the cheapest train I can find is just killer. I'll keep searching for offers though, just in case ;)

Try googling for ticketysplit it helps identify all those anomalies mentioned.
al-onestare":1vmzbg5x said:
Blimey - bit firm there Purley! Personally speaking, the last couple have clashed with commitments which was just the way it goes. Defo in for this.

Sorry Al, I am becoming a curmudgeon (a bad-tempered or surly person), but sometimes one needs to read out the Riot Act.

The South East has "lost" a couple of ride stalwarts in the last year, viz. Marcus (Warped Boy) who has gone West and Godders who has moved/now working in the North.

The first urban ride had nearly 10 people anticipated, of course there will be last minute drop outs and not everyone can get the time off. But most of the recent rides have been just 2-3 people, counting myself as one of them on the last ride! and that was after a ride was re-scheduled due to a total lack of interest.
It might be that the majority of people don't like the sort of quirky rides that I dream up, or would rather polish their rides to perfection but never go anywhere on them, which is fine if that's your thing.
But it does get taxing to put in the organisation, especially when there have been favourable comments about suggested routes etc. to then have such a low turnout. Given the density of the population of the South East this area should be a vibrant and thriving group, but it seems to have died a death in the last year.
Oddly it was just the same in a car club I used to belong to, the North West could muster events every month and was effectively the heart of the club, but down in the smoke, just managing a couple of poorly attended meet ups a year was a major success.

I have really enjoyed all the rides, other people's feedback and ideas lets you see things in a way you might otherwise be oblivious to, I hope they can continue and evolve.
I have to put in a mea culpa for missing the last 2 after I said I would attend.

Im in for 16th and have block booked the diary and pre-organised the pass so I will do this one - honest.

On attendance is it worth getting an early post in on the Rides forum?
I seem to have crashed Virgin Trains, so to speak...

Is it realistic to be back in Euston for the 1700 home? Guessing it takes a little while to get through the station with a bike too, so would need to be there about half four.

Does that work in?
Hovering over the BOOK button - hope it's doable on my phone as the PC's just had a meltdown. I think it's menopausal...
I will try and make this Mark, but my work life is a bit messed up at the mo, and no idea if I'm coming or going!
elPedro666":19n4tk5t said:
I seem to have crashed Virgin Trains, so to speak...

Is it realistic to be back in Euston for the 1700 home?
I would be aiming to get back around the same time to paddington - so we can always peel off together.
secret_squirrel":n9hrwqd7 said:
elPedro666":n9hrwqd7 said:
I seem to have crashed Virgin Trains, so to speak...

Is it realistic to be back in Euston for the 1700 home?
I would be aiming to get back around the same time to paddington - so we can always peel off together.

That's grand, cheers! Managed to book it off my phone eventually last night anyway, after smothering the PC with a pillow, put it out of it's misery...
secret_squirrel":3dnlkj0v said:
On attendance is it worth getting an early post in on the Rides forum?

That is a great idea, I will PM the mods/admins and see if this can be moved to rides.

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