Trek 8700 composite for sale

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Dirt Disciple
Hello All,

My first post.
I need a bike with front shocks. My Trek 8700 composite does not have them, I used it for light touring, now I want to tour off-road. South Downs Way etc.

So I have two options.
1. Sell the bike and get a new one.
2. Fit shocks. This is turning out to be a pain. 1 1\8. New stem, headset, front brake etc.

Does my bike have a second hand/retro value?
Size 22"? Good condition, never off-road, all original except tyres, red alu and composite main tubes. Year 1998? need to double check. Purchased in the States.

love to see a pic please,course theres a resale value! quick,say a price before the mods get you and lock this! i for one,am interested..!
How do I load a picture? Is it 'add an attachement' ?

I have a pic from about +5 years ago set up for touring and road tyres. It has been sitting in the garage since then as I have been using my other bike.
So the condition in the picture is the same today.
I have just dug out the receipt.

It was bought on 20/9/97 from a bike shop in Seattle, USA.

It was orginally purchased in California and given as a present to a student who didn't use it.

I bought it in mint condition. Never ever used.

The shop gave me the Trek catalogue with the exact same bike in it. I am pretty sure the catalogue was only a year old.

Does this number help? X260263
That would be my size, so i might be interested! I am looking for a TREK 90s frame and struggling to find one of my size. Looking forward to know the price. If anyone else has an old TREK XL frame that wants to get rid of...
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