Today's ROAD ride

Had a little spin out on this today I only got to do 10mile as ms Bling phoned to say she was poorly (picked up my bug from the weekend :( ) so only the one picture. I forgot how nice this is to ride but I'll be riding again tomoz finger crossed


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Well I had the maiden ride on the LOOK today it was a bit hairy on some of the descents but climbed really well
covered 45 mile with 3500ft of climbs
I started out in Penrith and hooked up with my mate just outside of town and rode through to Greystoke

it was then out of Greystoke to Johnby on the back road to Hesket Newmarket
the photo shows the drop down into the valley

It was an undulating ride out to Caldbeck passing a few like minded riders enjoying the weather we looped back round to Hesket enjoying some very quite roads

a sharp left before hesket took us out to Caldbeck common with a nice little ford to cross

After Mungrisdale We had a short spell on the A66 before crossing over and heading for Rookin House our destination Watermillock near Ulswater The photo shows the bottom of the Valley we climbed up from our biggest of the day

from Watermillock we rode in to Pooley Bridge stopped for a quick Lake shot and then piece of cake

before heading back to Penrith for a Saturday roast an excellent ride :D


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OMG what amazing countryside to ride through, and you had the weather for it too.

It don't get much better.
Did another ride today I'm not a big fan of climbing but decided to tackle this.

Nice views = aching legs


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Bank Holiday, so another leg stretch, on the Rourke this time.

Down the A370 from W-s-M to Cleeve and up Cleeve Hill again (the b'stard), over the A38 and up Burrington Combe.


Found myself with company up the Combe, as four cyclists whizzed up behind me and then sat on for the ride. I just tick tock up hills, so in the end three came past, but one couldn't make it and had to stop... I just carried on to the top.

It was a touch misty, as this is the road down to Chew Valley lake.

Down the hill to Bleadon and round the back of the lake.


Then over to Bristol and Long Ashton where I picked up more wheel suckers, all looking very clean. fresh and miserable on some very expensive bikes. I think the ride leader was having a good time.

Went up Belmont Hill, no photo's as I'm not stopping on that b*gger, then over to Failand and up Failand Hill.

Some cool bugs in the car park of the pub



Down Wraxall Hill and over to feed Archie, my daughters cat.


After that it was through Nailsea and down the country lanes to Claverham, past my mum's old house to Yatton and back on the A370 to W-s-M and home.

56 miles, 3650 ft of climbing , 3hrs 50 moving time. Not a blistering pace, but I'm an old geezer, so I do what I can.

Lots of other cyclist out, I said 'morning' to them all, but I must have a faulty switch on my cloaking device, as only some of them replied.

Oh and the sun came out just as I got home, so I only had my arm warmers off for about the last half an hour.
Glad you got out Neil looked a decent ride some nice countryside there. I got out yesterday no pics only a strava record but it was sunny so why not.

Some great rides, and fantastic pictures so far lads! :cool:

Keep them coming! ;)

Nice pics from Cumbria, I grew up on the edge of the Lake District and loved conquering the passes. My most recent trips 135km from Milton Keynes to Chipping Norton, and 50km home from Aylesbury avoiding main roads. Can't post pictures yet.

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