Today's ROAD ride

Here's a pic of Eaglesham Moor with Glasgow and East Kilbride in the distance. I discovered this road on Thursday (which is when I took this pic), and rode it again today. I ride up the Ayr Road from the Eastwood Toll, turn left onto this road to Eaglesham, then left again in Eaglesham back to Glasgow through Clarkston.


Note the new saddle bag (£5 from Lidl including a multi-tool and tyre spanners) which has enough space to hold what it came with plus a small pump and spare inner tube, and the new frame bag (even cheaper than the saddle bag from China on ebay) which has ample space for my phone, keys, wallet, and also a snack!.

No sweaty back from carrying a rucksack this summer for me. :)

Nice ride fella! :cool:

Looks great up in Scotland.

When it isn't raining! :LOL:
Seeing all the bikes leant up on the kerb on this thread jolts a funny memory for me! Back in the 80's we all met outside our local bike shop on a sunday morning clubrun, the road was always busy so it was advisable to wait off the road and lean the bikes up against the shop wall, well one lad balanced his bike on the kerb, pedal holding the bike up, just like in these photo's, I told the lad to shift his bike as it could fall over, within seconds of me saying that a van went by and it was blown over and scraped down the van and half of the bike went under the back wheel of the van, as the van began to stop, the bike got flicked out and up into the air, lets just the van driver wasn't too happy with the damage to his van and the lads bike was written off.

The moral of this story is lay the bikes down on grass or just keep hold of it :?

Nice to be able to get out for evening rides again. Yesterday, somewhere in the middle of Sweden...


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May Day....... and a chance to get out for a longer ride to test the legs in preparation for my trip to Scotland in a months time.

Went down the A370 to Cleeve Hill. The bluebells in the little wood are stunning, it's a shame I was about to pass out by the time I got there, as I'd forgotten how steep parts of Cleeve Hill are.


After Cleeve Hill it was over the A38 and off to Burrington Combe, where, amazingly and possibly something to do with the rain that was coming down at the time, I didn't see another cyclist. Once at the top I turned left to head down to Chew Valley lake.

Clevedon, The Bristol Channel and Wales are all in this photo... somewhere.


As usual I judged the wind incorrectly, so rode anticlockwise around the perimeter of Chew Valley lake, which meant once I had finished my short munchy / natural break, I ended up riding straight into a really unpleasant headwind.... which you can see on the lake.


Then it was back to W-s-M just in time to miss the rain that was forecast for mid morning.

50 miles and 3000ft of climbing,....... nice!


It's always nice when you get in just before the rain starts!

Good pictures

Being thick at techno things the picture has come out small ! Gas pipe MBK on a 25 mile outing.Riding with toe straps to get used to them again for the Anjou Velo Vintage,its so hard to break the habit of 27 years of Look pedals ! :?

First proper ride out on my Gazelle last night, (first ride had ended prematurely). 25 miles around lower Wensleydale.

Left my home near Bedale with some buddies and headed South to West Tanfield, where we crossed the river Ure and headed through Mickley and up to Grewelthorpe. A few steady climbs but nothing to testing.
The highest point of the ride was just outside Grewelthorpe.

Two of our party headed for bigger hills, but our young companion was struggling, (he is 20yrs our junior), so I went with him and we dropped down to Masham, a lovely long descent. Stopped for a quick photo on the common half way down.

Oldest thing in this picture - the Gazelle, 10 years older than my mate, and 37 years older than his bike!

We had a quick pint in Masham, waiting for the other two, before heading home before it got too dark.
25 miles, 1000ft of climbing.



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