"The Cycle Show" on ITV4.

The presenter reminded me of one of those really boring football presenters,... Nigel Mansel ?...hardly gonna stir things up either....i wanted to hear more off Mr. Obree who was cut off by the presenter when MR. O was ready to shead some real insight to an atheletes mind.......can't stand Gary fishers pompousness sorry, but fair play to his spin effort !

It's a long over due start though, hopefully in the future there will be road and off-progs cos i don't think 1 prog can do justice to both.
Im happy just to see any cycle orientated show on TV.Its a sport/subject largely ignored by the media outside of major sporting events like commonwealth games or the Olympics :?

Must say Mr Fisher was looking well :cool: and i bet thats been a while since his legs had to go that fast :LOL: