So, how to drop weight quickly?

If it is all about losing weight, then CV CV CV and more CV.

Minimum 4 sessions of 40 minutes a week, but mix it up. Intervals are brilliant because the HR stays higher for longer, so rather than plodding 4 miles, do a sprint session in your local park or up and down your local hill.

Swimming is fine, but really need to put shed loads of effort in to turn it into and effective workout - do not be an old grannie thinking that you have exercised because you have done 20 lengths - if you are not breathing hard, it is not any good for want you want to achieve. Get out of the pool (climb, no steps) at each end and do some exercises (heaving yourself in and out is really good exercise and less embarrassing than press ups).

Exercise in the morning if you can, if not, just before a meal time. Your metabolism will be raised and continue to burn extra Cals during the day and exercise will suppress your appetite before a meal so you take fewer calories into the system.

On days off do NOT take the day off! Active rest is important. Don't sit in front of TV, go for a walk or a really bimbly cycle ride just for the sake of it.

Keep a real diary of what you eat.

Put a weight chart on the fridge of where you want to be and when - mark on it the exercise sessions you have done each week. Make yourself a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time) goal rather than a wishy washy wanna be skinnier goal. You want to be x kg, xx" waist (both of which you have been before so can again) by daymthyr, and you are going to get there in small stages by dropping 1-2 lb a week over the next x mths.

Get a poster of the Reebok belly (belly's gonna get ya) and put it on the fridge.

Alternatively become a roadie and get paranoid about weight and feel guilty if you did not train for 3 hrs every day last week!
Put your watch in a drawer and buy a calendar. That's the time frame you should be looking at.
" Losing weight " and the word " quickly " don't go in the same sentence comfortably.
i did the cambridge diet a while ago. lost 2 stone in 6 weeks. its a meal replacement diet where you ditch food and drink shakes and soups. its really easy to do if you get your head round it first. you get really bad breath though! costs 45 quid a week but you wont be buying any other food or drink.

all was going well for me untill i went on holiday last year. had a few beers then thought sod it. never got back on it and put all the weight back on.

i'm sure it can be an easy way to lose weight but you have to be incredibley strong minded. which i am not.
Mate, i'm in exactly the same position and this year have really give getting rid of the weight a go. For me I find having something to aim for is the biggest motivator..Like perry mentioned I too want to start bmx racing again so that keeps the motivation up...

just cut the crap out...make your lunch at home as it is easier to control what you are eating than nipping to the shop for something during the day.....take things like muller fat free youghurts and fruit to work to eat when you are feeling hungry and start to exercise asap...I find a lot these days that I'll go to eat something I shouldnt but then I'lll think that if I do it just made all the daily exercise a waste of time.
i went to see a dietition and some of the things she told me about what you can eat and still lose weight amazed me....can pm u with info if interested

I thought I was getting nowhere to be honest...This week though I have had loads of people at work telling me how I have lost loads and my whole body shape is changing...that has really spurred me on to keep going.

When I am flagging on an evening I pop over to you tube and watch a few bmx race vid's i've favourited (mainly mike day's pre olympic training ones) as they help me stopping falling to the fridge on a night.
Easy start is to make a food diary - write down EVERYTHING you eat and drink for a week

When I did this for a friends MSc project, it amazed me how much crap I ate. 5 meals + 3 mars bars a day added up ... but then so did the 2-3 hours of rowing I was doing each day!
god i hate you lot (take as a joke)

i mean your all sub 15 stone and moaning about your weight??
i weigh a lot more than that so you should all feel sorry for me ;)
and i now eat healthyer than i have done before.
i have stopped smoking
i have regular excercise with the dog and riding
and im still putting weight on :evil: :evil:

sod it ill become supersize and pimp my electric carrage thing up instead of me bike :p

max you could well be turning the fat into muscle

if your in better health in general it means a lot more than a stone or two
Controlling carbs works quite well if you are not able to do too much exercise right now. Different from the Cambridge diet as you move carbs to certain meals a day.

Works like this...

Eat carbs in moderation for breakfast and lunch - so porridge, cereals, pasta etc. all fine but then cut them out after 5.00 p.m. so evening meal is protein and loads of veg. Takes a bit of faith to try but is not as wacky as it sounds.

Overall keep reasonably low fat but eat low fat cheese, meat, eggs etc in moderate quantities.

Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg per day and drink plenty of water.

Allow no more than 10 units of alcohol per week.

Then, when you can, increase the exercise. This diet worked for me pre cycling and I bought a cheap "stepper" for about £30 and put it in front of the TV!

Nice thing was that it was a quick starter and lost me about 7lb in two weeks and then a steadyweight loss after of 1-3 pounds per week.

Works as long as you follow it 80% of the time and don't go mad for the rest.

Obviously if you start doing lots more exercise add back the carb by degrees but portion control.

Good luck!

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