Site keeps logging me out


Nope. Latest chrome on latest Android. Working around it my having two sessions open and refreshing one before posting, and copying text before submitting. Ball ache but working. Still getting logged off multiple times.

It's done this before, others have posted in the past too, but hey.

Latest Chrome on mobile and latest Chromium on Linux here, and no problems. It might be worth trying a different browser temporarily to see if the problem is replicated. If it isn't replicated, then the problem probably lies with the browser. In that case, there are various things you can do, but the quickest remedy is probably to back up your bookmarks, etc. and then do a complete reinstall of Chrome, making sure all previous data is deleted at the uninstall phase (except the backup of course!). Google is your friend for finding more sophisticated, less drastic solutions to 'Chrome logging out of websites problems'.
Have this happen when at work on crappy MS But John sorts it out quickly. Been good on Safari with me.

Ive tried most of that, no dice.

I'm not going to swap browsers just for one site. It might have something to do with the site not showing as secure, even when logged in, not showing an ssl at all.

Google deprecated support for certain ssl certs a few months ago.
I've had some issues at work as our IT system doesn't like non-secure sites. It's not logged me out much, but i do sometimes get error messages (at my end).
Home computers (W10), phone (android) are having no issues.

The deprecation of certificates should result in no more than the insecure site warning that you should be getting in the address bar. There were logging out problems experienced by some Safari users on some sites earlier this year and the solution was to manually delete the certificate or reinstall. Given that other users are not reporting the same issue as you at the moment the solution is probably to be found at your end. And at your end, the problem could either be (A) the browser or (B) something else (security software, system cleaner, etc). To make further progress identifying whether it's A or B, it really would be easiest to see if the problem is replicated when you try another browser. (Shouldn't take more than ten minutes to install, try and uninstall.) If the problem is replicated on another browser then at least you know that the problem is not Chrome. And on it goes through a tedious process of elimination: anything that might be overeager in deleting what it regards as junk files . . . etc. Alternatively, just carry on with your current work around but that's likely to waste more of your time in the long run. Anyway, good luck with it.

I spend my working day troubleshooting this kind of stuff, not going to waste my personal time just for this site when I have no issues with any other sites at all. And of late, I'm certainly not going to be missing much aside from arguments and requests for valuations (oh, and the spam posts for nike trainers etc).

This site does need a valid ssl, or data is being sent unencrypted and a hackers dream.

Thanks for the suggested steps though.

Magic. It's seems to be working properly this evening. Not been logged out for a while.

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