Shaved legs , do you ?

Mike Muz

Retrobike Rider
BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
Bontrager Fan
Was wondering how many of us still do it. Now 47 and not shaved them since I stopped racing in 2006. I'm about to do my furst race since then, albeit an mtb race, and I'm thinking of shaving again :roll: just seems wrong not to.
Not sure what Mrs Muz will make of it as she's only known me with hairy pins.
Your thoughts, partner's reactions etc appreciated, ta

If its just one race, and a "fun" event. I'd not bother.

The benefits just aren't worth the hour it'll take to hack through the forest, and the itching when it grows back.

I can understand that. Just looks wrong I think too, having ape legs hanging out of my lycra.

Then there's the dilemma, how far up do you go? So you have hairy 'shorts' ? All the way up?

Back, sac, and crack? :shock: :shock: :LOL: :LOL: That was a joke, ok?

I used to go to the trunk line, as i swam a lot when i raced. Hairy shorts under your swimming trunks isn't a good look.

Just get the hairclippers out and give them a number 1 all over. You'll get most of the benefits (except massage!) and it won't take too long. Not so much itching either.

Number 1 is what I was thinking, little chance of cutting myself then too! Fast also. And there is massage at this race . So more effective than it would be with forest legs

Re: Re:

Mike Muz 67":cxlvdnsb said:
So more effective than it would be with forest legs

Hardly, you'll still get hairs pulled out, and the masseuse will lose their fingerprints......... if you really want a massage. Shave them properly........ :LOL:

FWIW i've only ever bothered with "at the race massage" when i've had my own/team masseuse. There are better ways to spend the queuing time, like a decent warmdown/stretch.

I always try to stretch after ridind, especially my back. But at the end of a 24hr solo, I'm not sure if I'll be able to warm down. More like fall off! :LOL:
Proper massage would probably irritate skin with pulled hairs, no?
Stop giggling at the back!

TBH, if its a 24hr, and you are racing it (team? Solo?). Massage will be the last thing you'll want to do, sleep and/or beer will be top of the list.
And if you do it'll only be a quick tickle, that'll hurt like hell. Any sort of deep massage will quite possibly do more harm than good!

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