Royce BB Tool needed


BoTM Winner
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98+ BoTM Winner
Kona Fan
I'm building a bike for someone who's supplied a Royce BB for it, but I don't have the correct tool!....I'm very much hoping some kind RB chum could lend me one as it'll likely be a one-off that doesn't really warrant buying one.

Cheers :)
If you dont find one i could lend you mine. Its the one with the two little bars sticking out but it hasnt got the spacers for the bolt to hold it into the cup. I never had a problem and have used it on a couple of Hope bb's, and maybe you could knock something together if you really need it locked into the bb cups.

Anyway let me know if its of any use


Hi Martin, I’ve got one. pm me your address and I’ll post it to you.

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