Rattle can respray


Kona Fan
There are one or two recent post discussing the feasibility of rattle can paint jobs.
Show us pics of your DIY paint jobs here.
Rattle can…or otherwise :)
Why no clear coat?
been toying with the idea of a media blaster myself. Tell us more ;-)
Why no clear coat?
been toying with the idea of a media blaster myself. Tell us more ;-)
Because I didn't buy any. 🤣

Media blasting, I emptied the kids sand pit, dried it, seived it and blasted the frame. Not the best tool for the job as its really a spot blaster, but it got there in the end.
So how long to strip the frame with the media blaster? Whenever I watch the process on YouTube it looks so easy
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A 20211216_104430.jpg All of this except the frame was rattle can paint. Many light coats and rubbing back with 1200 paper and soapy water. The frame was brush painted with International yacht paint 2 pack as was the primer, the tank was given a final clear coat that was petrol proof. All done in the back upstairs bedroom in the late 80's. This was followed by a Norton coming downstairs party 🥳.
So how long to strip the frame with the media blaster? When ever I watch the process on YouTube it looks so easy
A couple of hours as i had issues with moisture and stuff on the frame that wouldn't strip (gloop). Once I remembered to put the water trap on it went quicker. I reckon i could have done it in an hour if I hadn't been faffing or used paint stripper first).
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