Project Pace finished, Long Live the Control Tech


Retro Guru
Sadly I have decided to sell my Pace RC200 frame and a few bits. It was going to be a long term project, and I have slowly built up all the parts for the build. But I have been taken by the dark side(Weight Weenies) and bought this Control Tech Frame from France. As far as I know, and with speaking to Control Tech themselves its a Show Bike from a show in 2002, only one built and it weighs 1277g. Full Carbon in really good condition, I bought it from a guy in France.

Its got some stange features though, that are causing me a few problems. Its a strange integrated BB, so you have normal bearnings pressed into the Frame then use the new Integrated Style Cranksets. Of course, different manufactures have different sizes so its gonna be a challenge getting the bearnings etc. Next is the Integrated/Semi Integrated/Integral/Whatever type headset. Havn't got a clue which of the new type it is, the first shop I went it to to Identify it said it was 0.1mm too small for the ones they had in stock!?!?! Its got parts of an FSA headset in it already, so I have emailed them this morning to see if they can identify what it is. Gone are the days of buying a 1 1/8 inch headset and it slotting straight in! Gues it will teach me to move to all this modern stuff! I will be running M950 XTR though, sticking with V brakes and 8 speed because I have bought all these bits for the Pace. I'm hoping that cos its got 8 Speed I'll still be invited to the meets???? :D


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Ooh, that's lovely*. Provenance, too!

*In a post-retro-neo-modernish-rare-enough-that-I-don't-care-if-it's-not-retro-hell-it's-made-of-carbon-fibre-but-I-still-like-it-can-I-have-a-turn kind of way
wow. that's a rare bird you've got there. you should post that on mtbr vintage retro classic. someone there would come up w/ info regarding that frame.
prototypes are always cool.
Initially the only worry was whether it was actually rideable because it was a one off show bike. But as far as I can tell its strong, and has been ridden for abut a year off road. I'm looking forward to getting it together, its just a matter of solving the issues with the BB and Headset.
I must say, that is a suitable replacement project for the pace.

nice find :cool: - very nice :cool: :cool:
Radar":19evwg5k said:
However I must point out that you should still be burnt as a heretic

Hear, Hear!

Never knew that ControlTech dabbled with frames. Interesting...
Hey you'll never catch me on my sub 18lbs carbon dream machine. :LOL:

Apparently according to ControlTech they tried a few frames and took them to shows around the world but the project never got off the ground. You can tell on the bike that its not a production version, the cable routing under the bb is a bit suspect. Still it looks great, and I love the fact that I'll never see another one about! Its only going to be a road training machine, built up with Pace RC31 Type C's and Continental Grand Prix tyres(200g each!). I'll stick with V's on it, and 8 speed XTR. Once I've sorted the headset and BB issues I have the rest of the parts for the build so I'll post updates.
well if youv'e got that lovely carbon controltech frame you wont want that manky old red ally frame il be fare il pay the postage when you post it to me ;) ;) :cool: :LOL:

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