Pedo Hunter CH4!

Classic! They ask a guy caught bang to rights how old the girl was, and he says 15!

'This is my nonce phone.'

This will play well on Gogglebox.

I know there are questions about this type of activity, but I can't help feeling the police have not been doing their job properly in many areas and this might provoke positive action.
As long as there is 100% proof of what they are doing, and it is done in the correct way, with no doubt, im fully behind this type of hunting.
And there is the problem with this effing country!!!!

Suspended sentences handed out to nearly all of them!


Im so angry right now, after they get found guilty in court by the jury, you have to ask why the judge's let them off so easy!
I missed that part, that the sentences were suspended. I guess it is down to how they came to be interviewed by police, perhaps there is some balance to the 'entrapment' aspect.

Don't agree with it at all if that is why, these are exactly the kind of people who should be entrapped.
It's all very well and good until someone who has done nothing wrong gets accused of a crime which ruins his life.

This happened to a friend's cousin. He and his wife were fostering a teenage girl. She made an accusation which she later admitted was made up. It cost him his job, his home and his marriage fell apart.

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