Parts for charity project (warning - long read ahead)


Marin Fan
Hi everyone. Did you miss me? (Actually don't answer that....). I won't bore you with the details so the short version is I went through a difficult time, had to give up cycling completely because of my health and it all went downhill from there. But that's enough negativity...because things are looking up. Not being able to do my 24 hour races was devastating but it gave me the opportunity to look at things differently and am now going to attempt one of my biggest (non bike related) dreams this year.

About 5 years ago I decided to try and teach myself how to fix bikes so I devised a plan to take scrap bikes, fix them up and donate the money to charity. I could only ever afford a £10 apollo to start me off but that rusty old mismatched heap was the best thing ever to me so I want others in my - then - financial situation to be able to experience cycling) It went brilliantly until a small group of people started bullying and harassing me over it and with my anxiety taking over, I called it quits as I couldn't cope. Well after 4 years I've decided to start it again to give me the interaction with bikes I need even when I can't train (I'm a bicycle addict...if you don't like it, you're in the wrong place :LOL: ). On a much smaller scale this time, just doing a handful of bikes at a time as the biggest difference between then and now is the fact that then I was unemployed and had all the time in the world, now I work full time so only get to play around with them on rare days off and evenings, but still donating the profits to a local charity - Cornwall Hospice Care. I've supported them through various ventures over the years after my grandad spent his final weeks there and the hospice was a major support for us all through such a horrible time.

So my plea. I don't want to call it begging or scrounging (I know it is) but if anyone is just throwing bundles of parts out because they're no longer any use or past their prime, they could still be used to fix the type of bikes I have. I'm more than happy to pay for them, just hoping I can find cheap job lots of parts as I only sell the bikes around £20 (maximum I'll ever sell a bike for is £25 as I want to keep the ethos of keeping bikes as cheap as possible for those who can't afford a lot) so anything I can get cheap means more money for the charity.

Apologies for my first post back being a beg. Please don't interpret this as me being a scrounger as that's what happened the first time. I'm not asking for top parts, just cheap bundles of old surplus parts that are worth next to nothing.



  • apollo.jpg
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I’m sure I have some stuff I can donate for postage Martin, drop me a pm and I’ll get back to you. Tim
Where are you based? i have a couple of pairs of forks not needed. Postage would be a lot though so you are more than welcome to collect, or i could drop them off if not to far away.


Great story. Message me your address and I can have a rustle around the man cave - I’m sure I’ve got some older front and rear mechs snd probably some other bits n bobs too. I don’t mind posting them. It might take me a week to send them but it’s all for a good cause.
The History Man":27pth3af said:
You coming to mayhem? We could bring stuff.

Unfortunately not. Only managed 2 rides in the last 2 months because of the pain and it's likely to be June before I can even start mountain biking again. I've managed a couple of short road rides in the last couple months but struggling. Determined to get back into it and come back stronger in 2021.

That's why I started doing this again. Given up caring what people think of me and bikes will always be my passion so even if I can't ride them I can do something good with them.

I’ll definitely keep you in mind when I get next round to having a clear out... there’s nothing better than rescuing an unwanted bike and turning it into transport again. I save all the usable parts I come across which means I always have a salvage box on the go.

Sorry to hear about the bullying, unfortunately most people are idiots.

Where are you based? Cornwall? I have various stuff I will not get around to using, frames, forks, other odds. Have a van too and do plan a Cornwall trip sometime this year, let me know if "stuff" would be any use. I am probably too lazy to sell it!

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