old vw!


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98+ BoTM Winner
Cast your minds back to ages ago!!

Remember my secret vw project? Well the feature has been published in Ultra vw magazine. It's a 1968 VW Country buggy, take a look if you're in the local news agent.

The car now belongs to Ben Lewis and is being used as a promo vehicle.
Only fair as he put in a million man hours and is a Genius.

Al. :D
Thanks for putting the links up Al.

I can't do anything as complicated as scanning pics 'n' stuff!!

Al, water wings are not real wings and are not made of water! :shock:

It's the little things in life that bring the most pleasure.

Seeing a rare old vw being dragged along the ground is one of them!!

Although i do have my eyes on a Porsche 356. ;)

i'd give body parts for a 356.

my naiive dream is to have an old 911 within the next 10 years, even if its not classic old. i keep looking at the 60's and 70's cars and dreaming.

i take it the country buggy is "prepper" low and not air bag low?

i have a canadian mechanic friend and he thinks bags are awesome. i admire the engineering that goes into them, especially when they are designed to dump the car on the floor but i cant help thinking its cheating. a lot.

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