New built coming up


Nuke Proof. How apt with whats happening now. I still have those carbon hubs built up from new all those years ago. They have never even needed a true up after 25yrs.
If you look closely you can see the shadow of the top-and downtubes end where it normaly doesn't...
So this is the rear end of a Ti frame, and in another topic you mentioned carbon tubes.
That combined with the Nukeproof parts makes it a... ;-)
Oooh! So it is what I suspected! You're going to assemble your own Ti-carbon frame. What adhesive are you going to use? I have used Loctite Hysol 9430 to good results for bonding carbon fiber to aluminum in the past. Technically you would be bonding aluminum to titanium though. Did you build a bonding jig for the frame yet? I'll be following this thread closely.
Yeah! a package arrived today. That should be the 2 missing tubes!

I have not really planned a way to put this together yet. But I have been gathering
parts for a frame-jig in the past. So the first start would be to dig them up and build a jig.

This will be a real learning curve for me !!

So much for the excitement. The tubes will not fit the frame. The outer diameter on the carbon tubes is the same as the stubs on the frame.

The tubes were sold as Nukeproof. But what would they have done with this slightly smaller diameter tubing?
They sure look like authentic nuke proof tubes.

This now means, we're back at square 1. After 5 years of searching I was so happy to finally come across these tubes to get this
great frame put together and with that an even greater bike.
Let's hope it does not take another 5 years to find the right diameter tubes ;-)

If anyone out there has any idea on where to find the right size carbon sleeved aluminum tube, I would really appreciate your help.


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