[Moan] Ludicrous prices for bike clothing


Senior Retro Guru
Is it me or are some of the prices charged for bike clothes absurd? Im not talking about your £300 unobtanium Goretex jacket that breathes for you and fills your bottle when it rains, but basic kit like shorts and jerseys.

Im not even talking about the kit covered in logo's but the simple one, two, three coloured stuff.

Seems like everything these days is priced for Mamils with fat wallets and no sense.

As Im typing this a "bargain alert" is going past in the sidebar - £68 for a pair of bib shorts! Seriously - wtf!
Gotta agree. £60 for some average MTB baggies is laughable when Tesco can sell similarly styled workaday shorts with a comparable amount of labour required to make them for £5.99. Lidls and Aldi manage to sell perfectly usable kit of acceptable quality for pennies, so why can't anyone else?
Quite right. I've used Goretex waterproofs since the 90s - but there's no way I'd buy cycling specific ones. For a really cheap Goretex buy - try RAF/Navy/Army surplus.

Cycling shorts used to be pretty cheap - now they seem astronomical. I can't bring myself to pay more than £15 on a pair of shorts.
I've purchased my last two sets of road riding kit (bib shorts and matching jersey) from the Far East via eBay. On both occasions I've only paid slightly over £20 for each complete kit, they wear and wash really well considering the price. Only thing to be aware of when ordering is that sizes aren't at all generous! ;)
I like to buy half price campag clothes from ebay or CRC, it is finely made in the first world so at least you're getting something quality.
Once you've worn PI there's no going back.

Lifetime warranty (manufacturer's defects) rocks. Sending in a pair of shredded/blood stained shorts won't get much more than a that-must-have-left-a-mark reply.
Some clothes are expensive. Some are cheap. And you don't always get what you pay for.

That goes across the board.

Cycling clothing is no different.

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