Marin Lovers Identify this Beauty


Retro Guru
My latest soon to be acquisition. Picking it up tomorrow regardless of the year and model as the price is good.

What say you? Year, model?

Judy XC fork, Deore XC rear derailleur, STX 7x3 shifters. Don't know how much of it is original:

I believe it is a 1994 but don't know the model. The frame is very beat-up tho it should polish well

Will know tomorrow for sure!
The seller didn't know much about it except that he was planning to use it as his town bike...

It's definitely 1994 but the top decals are totally gone and I can't tell for sure. My guess is that it's a 1994 Nail Trail and that the RS Judy fork was added later as an upgrade. There's a visible about 2" in diameter ding which there isn't much I can do about but, the main decals are in good shape so I should be able to replicate them.

The fork will have to go. Both of the shifters were frozen and because of it I negotiated the price even lower. Once I got it home, I spent about 2 hours lubricating them and force moving some of the inner parts and now they are as good as new!

Very much excited about the bike - it's my oldest Marin and i'll enjoy re/building it.