Learn to love YOUR OCD...It's your retro friend.


Retrobike Rider
It clearly states back in the 4th chamber of Wu that to be fully in balance with your Retro habit, you must first learn to love and therefore harness your inner powers - in this case your OCD.

I know, I know, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ain't no laughing matter (well mine's quite funny - perhaps not to those waiting for a Mr Benn change of identity) but over the years I have learned to love mine and now am able to control it to the extent that it actually helps my bike purchasing and in particular my retro fetish.

Rather than being a hinderence like it is in so many other ways, Retro Habit OCD Behaviour Disorder Pattern Syndrome (RHOCDBDPS) allows one to source ultra rare parts on shelves in bike shops that were other wise only found on ebay and usually get them at a great price due to the shop in question being (allbeit 800 miles away - after 30 phone calls when you should be working) totally unaware that such an old piece of blue anodised crap could be worth anything to anyone.

This useful tool allows the attention to detail that will not allow a build to be declared finished until every part is correct and as soon as it is 'over', it nessecitates the beginning of another. It's a perpetual flow of concentration, an inbalance of interest, of a justification for an addiction.

I have come to accept my OCD and more importantly, rather than fight it, have learned to love it. Nurture it. Feed it. It's essential in the mantra of the Wu.

It is my friend.

Let your's be your's.

Ok this has come up before and I still say that I deny being in denial about any of this OCD stufff. Probably the first room of Wu.
On a good note I did manage after 30 e-mails to talk a German girl into getting a pay pal account so I could buy a stem/bar from her boyfriend.
Lid":38ph4pim said:
On a good note I did manage after 30 e-mails to talk a German girl into getting a pay pal account so I could buy a stem/bar from her boyfriend.

:shock: You should get a job at Paypal if you can do that :LOL:

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