Lance Armstrong

Perhaps the cancer robbed him of the chance to do it naturally. Who knows.

I feel sorry for the guy, he was just one of the many back then and it all seems to be getting hung on him.

Dimsweat should be thrown out of the Sky team and given a ban, for bringing the sport further into disrepute. As hard as that sounds.
Pyro Tim":1vl5qo7i said:
Drug smuggling, and pushing it on to others, as well as supplying them are all crimes. In this country, and everywhere else they are alleged to have happened.

True, but I am not handing myself in willingly.
retrocomeback":2azzehkg said:
For what it's worth heres my take on Armstrong. The guy survived brain and bollock surgery to rid him of cancer, and whether the bike races he subsequently won were as a result of doping I don't care one iota, the guy beat cancer himself and has raised millions to help others do the same. That's what's really important here.

The only sensationalist headline writer seems to be you.

retrocomeback":g66548k7 said:
Im going to overlook these 'Daily Mail' comparisons now, it's getting ridiculous :roll:

Hang on a minute

Is that you Lance?

al. :LOL:
sylus":32yewf7d said:
as usual some take a bike discussion into pedo playgrounds :roll: you have to wonder why that subject is the first thing they think of

As to arrogance..I have yet to meet someone who is at the top of their field who isn't.

I think that is probably because Saville is so topical right now.

I totally agree about top sports stars needing to be 'arrogant', which is mainly heightened confidence to me.

They called Ali arrogant. Bolt, McEnroe, Senna, Schumi, the list goes on.

It took a little bit of arrogance/hyper confidence to get Murray over the finishing line lately.

Plenty of people have called me arrogant in the past.

But I am just a confident c****.

I despise arrogance in any walk of life.

A certain arrogance is essential to get to the top in anything. This was Greg Lemond's take on Armstrong.

"I just think he's not a good person and that's all I can say. I mean, he's a facade, if you knew the real Lance Armstrong that I know. I think he fronts himself as a guy who is loving and caring. From my experience, he's not a nice guy and I've had some very difficult periods with him. And I don't believe he'll finish up having any friends in cycling."

They had conflicts going back several years though so I imagine his opinion is a bit tempered with that.
Absolutely. My point is I think extreme confidence is often mistaken for arrogance.

A perfect example happened a couple of years ago. I was out walking on Skye with a mate who is a world class climber.

We bumped into two of my friends who were just off the hills, one of who proceeded to lecture my fellow walker on the gear she should be wearing.

Fair enough, he had just finished training as a mountain leader, but he continued on with lectures on technique, etc., after she had let him know she was an experienced climber.

We ended up giggling, but this mate is actually lacking confidence, and being arrogant is a cover for it.

Schumacher is supposedly arrogant, on the basis he never admits fault.

Could he have been as successful as he was if he joined in with the others attempting to undermine him?

I hate arrogance, but I hate overt subservience and humble bumbleness even more.
Skimming through USADA's report; this thing has more holes in it than a pin cushion. I'm struggling to find anything that would be admissible in a court of law.

Such a shame certain individuals here are resorting to personal insults rather than sticking to the topic at hand :roll:

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