Lance Armstrong Book (advice)


Retro Guru

Mainly looking for advice, but if you've read and would like to pass on then pm me with details.

Either love him or hate him but Lance has had on huge impact on cycling history for whatever reason. Because of this I'm looking for 2 books.
Can anyone advise (1) the best/full story before the truth and also (2) the same for the truth revealed.
Really don't want to fill the shelf with 50 plus books repeating the same thing.


The Secret Race, Tyler Hamilton / Daniel Coyle. The later versions have the Armstrong admission added to the text to round of the sorry tale. Available for a few pounds on ebay.

Same arena, but the Festina scandal - Breaking the chain, Willy Voet / Will Fotheringham - again available for a few pounds.
Michael Barry (former Armstrong team mate at US Postal) has three books out. I've only read the latest "Shadows on the Road" where he speaks none too kindly of having ridden for the man.
Avoid "It's not About The Bike": as turgid a piece of writing as it has ever been my misfortune to turn the page of.

It reads like a low-rent, made-for-tv, Disney flick: stilted, pedestrian (ha!) prose draped over a toe-curlingly awful "boy from the wrong side of the tracks who made good and ruffled a few feathers along the way" plot.

I persevered for two-thirds/three-quarters of the way before destroying the book, lest anyone who wasn't my sworn enemy pick it up.

And that was before I learned that he is a cheat.
Some excellent recommendations

Been loaned David Walsh 7 deadly sins, but intended on a few purchases now too.
Hi there, I accidentally purchased Tyler Hamilton's "The Secret Race" in softcover after having already purchased (& read, mind you - d'oh!) the hardcover version of it!! So I have a new copy of the softcover version & (although I'm in Australia) if you can help me to find a pair of Mavic 821 downtube shift levers in order to complete my Mavic SSC group set, I will even pay for postage of it to you! Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that these 7-speed indexed gear levers don't have Mavic written upon them, so many people don't realise what they are!!

As far as recommendations go - in order of personal preference - I would say "Wheelmen", "The Secret Race", "Blood Sport", "7 Deadly Sins", "The Race to the truth", "From Lance to Landis" & the first of the 'anti-omerta' & 'pre-Pharmstrong' books, Paul Kimmage's "Rough Ride".

Cheers & best wishes from "Down Under"...Matt.

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