I've got it bad!


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
You guys are the only ones I can share this with...

I dream of retro bikes now.

Last night, I dreamt that I found an old workshop that was being converted into another business and some old bikes were being cleared out.
I went to look further and there were some unsold bikes from the late eighties.
I couldn't believe it... there were early Deore XT prototypes... stems... seats... bars and funny brakes.
I poured over them with total enthusiasm and concentration, confused at how I'd never seen them before.

Can you imagine the response when I woke at 7am to discuss with my girlfriend!! White coats and help was mentioned among other things, as my hobby has gone too far.

Am I alone?
i had a dream about Mountain mayhem for Next year.. i was taking a few bikes out of my car and several forum members were in attendance.. very surreal, and I was very disappointed to be woken up :oops:

I have not mentioned this to the other half...
Mmmmm, I'd rather dream of something else, something not retro. Ok its' good fun, but if you dream about it...... :?
:? Sounds like the same dream as Jez has had, dont suppose there were some XTR thumbies in that shop were there :roll:



  • xtr thumbies.jpg
    xtr thumbies.jpg
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I must have still been dreaming when i posted this, as i put it on the wrong forum section. Doh!
not had that particular dream dude, but i have twice had VIVID dreams that i've won the lottery.. long, dreamy dreams with porsche 911's, more bikes you could shake a stick out, country smallholdings and debt-free life..

gutted to wake up in a grotty bedsit, big style.. :roll:

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